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Soul’s Code Celebrity Seekers Quiz – Female Mystics


Soul’s Code has sung the praises of female mystics and spiritual teachers since our inception —  meet our inspirations, Pamela Wilson, Byron Katie, Caroline Myss, Katie Davis, Vaishali Love and Karen McPhee

mysticsmallTest your S-factor, as in, the measure of the soul:

1.  According to transpersonal psych studies, women have an edge when it comes to remembering, understanding and relaying their mystical experiences. Why is that?

A.  Women are smarter than men.
B.  Women have better communication between the left and right sides of the brain.
C.  Men have fewer mystical experiences than women.
D.  Men censor themselves more than women, and will not admit to having mystical experiences.

2.  Who believes (or believed) in the “spiritual goodness of poverty?”

A.  Joan of Arc
B.  Marianne Williamson
C.  Mother Teresa
D.  Kim Eng

3.  Who has been known to provide lectures and workshops free of charge?

byronkatieA.  Byron Katie (pictured at right)
B.  Kim Eng
C.  Caroline Myss
D.  Pamela Wilson

4.  Eckhart Tolle’s work heavily influenced which mystic, who is also his friend?

A.  Vaishali Love
B.  Catherine Ingram
C.  Katie Davis
D.  Marianne Williamson

5.  Who said, “Keep your honor code between you and God,  you don’t break that, no matter who’s not looking. God is.”

A.  Mother Teresa
B.  Caroline Myss
C.  Byron Katie
D.  St. Teresa of Avila

704amrit6.  How many people is Hindu spiritual leader Amma reported to have hugged over the past 30 years?

A.  50,000
B.  1 million
C.  21 million
D.  30 million

7.  How much will it cost you to buy a Caroline Myss “Myss hat?”

A.  $15
B.  $20
C.  $30
D. Free with proof of a donation to a charity of your choice.

tigertigerisittrue8.  Who released a child’s book called Tiger-Tiger Is It Time in November 2009?

A.  Kim Eng
B.  Byron Katie
C.  Amma
D.  Karen McPhee

The answers you seek: 1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. C, 5. B, 6. D, 7. A, 8. B.

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